Friday, February 1, 2013

Musings on early mornings, and god parades

        What an interesting day I have had so far. Its only 7:30 in the morning and I can already say that. But, let's start and the beginning. I have not been sleeping well this week, partly because I am showing signs of getting sick. While I have been going to bed early, I am not sleeping through the night. Last night, I decided to stay up late in hopes of being extra tired and therefore getting a full night's sleep. Boy was I wrong.
         As I was getting ready for bed last night (at 1 AM), I heard some drums outside my window. I looked out to see over 8 buses, countless cars, and just as many trucks. All the makings of a large god parade. It looked to me like this god parade was either over, or going to set up somewhere. else. God parades are not unfamiliar to me, I have seen and heard a couple of small ones, but this one that drove by last night looked quite big.
        Now I bring you to my morning, 7:22 AM and wake up to-the god parade. It is loud and long and disturbing my sleep. However, in the future that is not what I will remember. I will remember it as a reminder of how lost Taiwan really is.
       I live in rural Taiwan. People say it is steeped in tradition. I say, its so lost, they can't see a way out. These people believe everything they have been told growing up. You may not upset the gods, you need to worship the gods, you need to pray to them, give them offerings, and provide food and money for them in the afterlife. You also celebrate with them. This parade is a celebration of sorts.
       This parade what the largest I have ever seen. It contained, costumes, puppets, drums, other instruments  and the actual statues of the gods being carried on the shoulders of the people. These people looked tired and uncomfortable, but the do it because they want to appease the gods. I believe they walked from the main road, down my road, and to the temple that is behind my apartment. It sounds as if they are now walking back. While at the temple, I could hear drums and firecrackers. The firecrackers are to scare off the evil spirits. I am not sure of the reason for this parade(not that they need one), but if I had to take a guess, I would say its because Chinese New Year is next week. Another guess would because Farmer's day (whatever that is) is on Monday. Since I live in a farming community, it could be the community seeking blessing over their jobs and harvest.
       I have always found it interesting how fearful the Taiwanese people are. They need firecrackers to scare off the evil spirits, they build ghost walls into their homes to keep out the roaming ghosts, they are regular about their prayer and worship so as not to upset, clean the tombs of family to keep their spirits happy, and make sure they never forget any religious activity. Not to mention keeping shrines in their homes is order to keep their ancestors with them. It breaks my hear to see how lost they really are.
       I am so glad that I do not have to do any of these things for the one true God. I find it amazing that while there are people around the world searching for a god and a way to be happy in the afterlife, my God has done all the seeking. He found me and died for me so that I can be with him. I don't know of a single religion that offers a relationship like the one I have with God. It is such a blessing to know that I can pray for anything (like the lost people outside my apartment) and he listens. I don't have to give him money, food, blood, or any other form of payment. Just love, and willingness. Its a beautiful and freeing thing to know.
        I have included some videos for you to watch in order to get a better feel for what I woke up to, and what it may be like to live in a country so steeped in tradition, they don't realize that this tradition is what is keeping them from learning about the True Lord.
 The Temple that is behind my apartment that the parade walked to.
 First video of parade. It is a little choppy and shows my balcony at the end. Notice all the horses, they are rare here so I am curious of the significance of them in this parade.
 Second video. This one is a little  longer, but I wanted you to get a feel for my morning. The parade lasted about 30 minutes while I was awake ( probably significantly longer). Notice how they are almost dancing with these heavy gods on their shoulders.
Last video of parade. This one has the dancing of the dragon. However, I wanted you to see the buses they use to bring all the people out.  These people are either in or walking along to watch the parade. Those watching, sure thought it was a site to see a white girl watching from a balcony up on the 6th floor. (Sorry it is a little sideways.)